- offered:
- "[Also] the childrenª of those that had been carried away,ª which were come¹ out²° of the captivity,ª¹ offeredª° burnt offeringsª unto the Godª of Israel,ª twelveªª bullocksª for¹ all¹ Israel,ª ninetyª and sixª rams,ª seventyª and sevenª lambs,ª twelveªª he goatsª [for] a sin offering:ª all¹ [this was] a burnt offeringª unto the LORD.ª" {Ezr 8:35} + "That the princesª of Israel,ª headsª of the houseª of their fathers,ª who¹ [were] the princesª of the tribes,ª and were overª° them¹ that were numbered,ª°¹ offered:ª° ... And when Mosesª was goneª° into¹ the tabernacleª of the congregationª to speakª° with¹ him, then he heardª°¹ the voiceª of one speakingª° unto¹ him from off¹¹ the mercy seatª that¹ [was] upon¹ the arkª of testimony,ª from between¹¹ the twoª cherubims:ª and he spakeª° unto¹ him." {Num 7:2-89} + "And Solomonª offeredª°¹ a sacrificeª of peace offerings,ª which¹ he offeredª° unto the LORD,ª twoª and twentyª thousandª oxen,ª and an hundredª and twentyª thousandª sheep.ª So the kingª and all¹ the childrenª of Israelª dedicatedª°¹ the houseª of the LORD.ª ... The same¹ dayª did the kingª hallowª°¹ the middleª of the courtª that¹ [was] beforeª the houseª of the LORD:ª for¹ there¹ he offeredª°¹ burnt offerings,ª and meat offerings,ª and the fatª of the peace offerings:ª because¹ the brasenª altarª that¹ [was] beforeª the LORDª [was] too littleª to receiveª°¹¹ the burnt offerings,ª and meat offerings,ª and the fatª of the peace offerings.ª" {1Kg 8:63-64} + "So they broughtª°¹ the arkª of God,ª and setª° it in the midstª of the tentª that¹ Davidª had pitchedª° for it: and they offeredª° burnt sacrificesª and peace offeringsª beforeª God.ª ... And he dealtª° to every oneª¹ of Israel,ª both manª¹ and woman,ª to every oneª a loafª of bread,ª and a good piece of flesh,ª and a flagonª [of wine]." {1Ch 16:1-3} + "And kingª Solomonª offeredª°¹ a sacrificeª of twentyª and twoª thousandª oxen,ª and an hundredª and twentyª thousandª sheep:ª so the kingª and all¹ the peopleª dedicatedª°¹ the houseª of God.ª" {2Ch 7:5} + "Then Hezekiahª answeredª° and said,ª° Now¹ ye have consecratedªª° yourselves unto the LORD,ª come nearª° and bringª° sacrificesª and thank offeringsª into the houseª of the LORD.ª And the congregationª brought inª° sacrificesª and thank offerings;ª and as many as¹ were of a freeª heartª burnt offerings.ª ... And also¹ the burnt offeringsª [were] in abundance,ª with the fatª of the peace offerings,ª and the drink offeringsª for [every] burnt offering.ª So the serviceª of the houseª of the LORDª was set in order.ª°" {2Ch 29:31-35}