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Previous Chapter - 2 Chronicles 19:1 Previous Verse - 2 Chronicles 20:26 Next Verse - 2 Chronicles 20:28 Next Chapter - 2 Chronicles 21:1
{2 Chronicles 20:27} Then they returned, 7725 z8799 every x3605 man 376 of Judah 3063 and Jerusalem, 3389 and Jehoshaphat 3092 in the forefront 7218 of them, to go again 7725 z8800 to x413 Jerusalem 3389 with joy; 8057 for x3588 the LORD 3068 had made them to rejoice 8055 z8765 over their enemies. 341 z8802 x4480
Heb. head, "And Davidª dancedª° beforeª the LORDª with all¹ [his] might;ª and Davidª [was] girdedª° with a linenª ephod.ª ... So Davidª and all¹ the houseª of Israelª brought upª°¹ the arkª of the LORDª with shouting,ª and with the soundª of the trumpet.ª" {2Sm 6:14-15} + "The breakerª° is come upª° beforeª them: they have broken up,ª° and have passed throughª° the gate,ª and are gone outª° by it: and their kingª shall passª° beforeª them, and the LORDª on the headª of them." {Mic 2:13} + "Whitherª the forerunnerª is²° forª usª entered,ª° [even] Jesus,ª madeª° an high priestª for² everª¹ afterª the¹ orderª of Melchisedec.ª" {Hbr 6:20}
"And Hannahª prayed,ª° and said,ª° My heartª rejoicethª° in the LORD,ª mine hornª is exaltedª° in the LORD:ª my mouthª is enlargedª° over¹ mine enemies;ª° because¹ I rejoiceª° in thy salvation.ª" {1Sm 2:1} + "Also that¹ dayª they offeredª° greatª sacrifices,ª and rejoiced:ª° for¹ Godª had made them rejoiceª° with greatª joy:ª the wivesª also¹ and the childrenª rejoiced:ª° so that the joyª of Jerusalemª was heardª° even afar off.ª¹" {Neh 12:43} + "We will rejoiceª° in thy salvation,ª and in the nameª of our Godª we will set up [our] banners:ª° the LORDª fulfilª° all¹ thy petitions.ª" {Psa 20:5} + "[[A Psalmª [and] Songª [at] the dedicationª of the houseª of David.]]ª I will extolª° thee, O LORD;ª for¹ thou hast lifted me up,ª° and hast not¹ made my foesª° to rejoiceª° over me." {Psa 30:1} + "And the ransomedª° of the LORDª shall return,ª° and comeª° to Zionª with songsª and everlastingª joy²¹ upon¹ their heads:ª they shall obtainª° joy²¹ and gladness,²¹ and sorrowª and sighingª shall flee away.ª°" {Isa 35:10} + "Therefore the redeemedª° of the LORDª shall return,ª° and comeª° with singingª unto Zion;ª and everlastingª joyª [shall be] upon¹ their head:ª they shall obtainª° gladnessª and joy;ª [and] sorrowª and mourningª shall flee away.ª°" {Isa 51:11} + "Rejoiceª° overª her,ª [thou] heaven,ª andª [ye] holyª apostlesª andª prophets;ª forª Godª hath avengedªª° youª onª her.ª" {Rev 18:20}

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