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{2 Chronicles 9:1} And when the queen 4436 of Sheba 7614 heard 8085 z8804 x853 of the fame 8088 of Solomon, 8010 she came 935 z8799 to prove 5254 z8763 x853 Solomon 8010 with hard questions 2420 at Jerusalem, 3389 with a very 3966 great 3515 company, 2428 and camels 1581 that bare 5375 z8802 spices, 1314 and gold 2091 in abundance, 7230 and precious 3368 stones: 68 and when she was come 935 z8799 to x413 Solomon, 8010 she communed 1696 z8762 with x5973 him x853 of all x3605 that x834 was x1961 in x5973 her heart. 3824
And when:
"And when the queenª of Shebaª heardª° of¹ the fameª of Solomonª concerning the nameª of the LORD,ª she cameª° to proveª° him with hard questions.ª" {1Kg 10:1} + "And she cameª° to Jerusalemª with a veryª greatª train,ª with camelsª that bareª° spices,ª and veryª muchª gold,ª and preciousª stones:ª and when she was comeª° to¹ Solomon,ª she communedª° with¹ him of¹ all¹ that¹ was¹ in¹ her heart.ª ... And kingª Solomonª gaveª° unto the queenª of Shebaª¹ all¹ her desire,ª whatsoever¹ she asked,ª° beside¹¹ [that] which¹ Solomonª gaveª° her of his royal² bounty.ª¹ So she turnedª° and went²°¹ to her own country,ª she¹ and her servants.ª" {1Kg 10:2-13} + "The queenª of the southª shall rise upª° inª the¹ judgmentª withª thisª generation,ª andª shall condemnª° it:ª forª she cameª° fromª the¹ uttermost partsª of the¹ earthª to hearª° the¹ wisdomª of Solomon;ª and,ª behold,ª° a greater¹ than² Solomonª [is] here.ª" {Mtt 12:42} + "The queenª of the southª shall rise upª° inª the¹ judgmentª withª the¹ menª of thisª generation,ª andª condemnª° them:ª forª she cameª° fromª the¹ utmost partsª of the¹ earthª to hearª° the¹ wisdomª of Solomon;ª and,ª behold,ª° a greater¹ than² Solomonª [is] here.ª" {Lke 11:31}
"And the sonsª of Cush;ª Seba,ª and Havilah,ª and Sabtah,ª and Raamah,ª and Sabtecha:ª and the sonsª of Raamah;ª Sheba,ª and Dedan.ª" {Gen 10:7} + "And Obal,ª and Abimael,ª and Sheba,ª" {Gen 10:28} + "And Jokshanª begatª°¹ Sheba,ª and Dedan.ª And the sonsª of Dedanª were¹ Asshurim,ª and Letushim,ª and Leummim.ª" {Gen 25:3}
"And Solomonª the sonª of Davidª was strengthenedª° in¹ his kingdom,ª and the LORDª his Godª [was] with¹ him, and magnifiedª° him exceedingly.ª" {2Ch 1:1} + "Wisdomª and knowledgeª [is] grantedª° unto thee; and I will giveª° thee riches,ª and wealth,ª and honour,ª such as¹¹ none¹ of the kingsª have had¹ that¹ [have been] beforeª thee, neither¹ shall there any afterª thee have¹ the like.¹" {2Ch 1:12} + "For he was wiserª° than all¹¹ men;ª than Ethanª¹ the Ezrahite,ª and Heman,ª and Chalcol,ª and Darda,ª the sonsª of Mahol:ª and his fameª was¹ in all¹ nationsª round about.ª" {1Kg 4:31}
"I will inclineª° mine earª to a parable:ª I will openª° my dark sayingª upon the harp.ª" {Psa 49:4} + "I will openª° my mouthª in a parable:ª I will utterª° dark sayingsª of¹ old:ª" {Psa 78:2} + "To understandª° a proverb,ª and the interpretation;ª the wordsª of the wise,ª and their dark sayings.ª" {Prv 1:6} + "¹ He¹ answeredª° and² saidª° unto them,ª Becauseª it is givenª° unto youª to knowª° the¹ mysteriesª of the¹ kingdomª of heaven,ª butª to themª it is²° notª given.ª°" {Mtt 13:11} + "Thatª it might be fulfilledª° which² was spokenª° byª the¹ prophet,ª saying,ª° I will openª° myª mouthª inª parables;ª I will utterª° things which have been kept secretª° fromª the foundationª of the world.ª" {Mtt 13:35}
"The kingsª of Tarshishª and of the islesª shall bringª° presents:ª the kingsª of Shebaª and Sebaª shall offerª° gifts.ª" {Psa 72:10} + "And he shall live,ª° and to him shall be givenª° of the goldª¹ of Sheba:ª prayer¹ also shall be made²° for¹ him continually;ª [and] dailyª¹ shall he be praised.ª°" {Psa 72:15} + "The multitudeª of camelsª shall coverª° thee, the dromedariesª of Midianª and Ephah;ª all¹ they from Shebaª¹ shall come:ª° they shall bringª° goldª and incense;ª and they shall shew forthª° the praisesª of the LORD.ª" {Isa 60:6}
"And she gaveª° the kingª an hundredª and twentyª talentsª of gold,ª and of spicesª greatª abundance,ª and preciousª stones:ª neither¹ was¹ there any such¹ spiceª as¹ the queenª of Shebaª gaveª° kingª Solomon.ª" {2Ch 9:9} + "Andª when they were comeª° intoª the¹ house,ª they sawª°²° the¹ young childª withª Maryª hisª mother,ª andª fell down,ª° and worshippedª° him:ª andª when they had openedª° their²¹ treasures,ª they presentedª° unto himª gifts;ª gold,ª andª frankincense,ª andª myrrh.ª" {Mtt 2:11}
"And Hannahª answeredª° and said,ª° No,¹ my lord,ª I [am] a womanª of a sorrowfulª spirit:ª I¹ have drunkª° neither¹ wineª nor strong drink,ª but have poured outª°¹ my soulª beforeª the LORD.ª" {1Sm 1:15} + "I poured outª° my complaintª beforeª him; I shewedª° beforeª him my trouble.ª" {Psa 142:2} + "O generationª of vipers,ª howª can¹ ye,²° beingª° evil,ª speakª° good things?ª forª out¹ of² the¹ abundanceª of the¹ heartª the¹ mouthª speaketh.ª°" {Mtt 12:34}

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