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{1 Chronicles 28:11} Then David 1732 gave 5414 z8799 to Solomon 8010 his son 1121 x853 the pattern 8403 of the porch, 197 and of the houses 1004 thereof, and of the treasuries 1597 thereof, and of the upper chambers 5944 thereof, and of the inner 6442 parlours 2315 thereof, and of the place 1004 of the mercy seat, 3727
He gave him an ichnograph of the building, with elevations, sections and specifications of every part; and all this he himself received by inspiration from God himself ("And the patternª of all¹ that¹ he had¹ by the spirit,ª of¹ the courtsª of the houseª of the LORD,ª and of all¹ the chambersª round about,ª of the treasuriesª of the houseª of God,ª and of the treasuriesª of the dedicated things:ª" {1Ch 28:12} and "All¹ [this, said David], the LORDª made me understandª° in writingª by [his] handª¹ upon¹ me, [even] all¹ the worksª of this pattern.ª" {1Ch 28:19}), just as Moses had received the plan of the tabernacle.
the pattern:
"All¹ [this, said David], the LORDª made me understandª° in writingª by [his] handª¹ upon¹ me, [even] all¹ the worksª of this pattern.ª" {1Ch 28:19} + "And lookª° that thou makeª° [them] after their pattern,ª which¹ was shewedª° thee¹ in the mount.ª" {Exd 25:40} + "And thou shalt rear upª°¹ the tabernacleª according to the fashionª thereof which¹ was shewedª° thee in the mount.ª" {Exd 26:30} + "According to all¹ that¹ the LORDª commandedª°¹ Moses,ª so¹ the childrenª of Israelª madeª°¹ all¹ the work.ª ... And Mosesª did look²° upon¹¹ all²¹ the work,ª and, behold,¹ they had doneª° it as¹ the LORDª had commanded,ª° even so¹ had they doneª° it: and Mosesª blessedª° them." {Exd 39:42-43} + "Now these¹ [are the things wherein] Solomonª was instructedª° for the buildingª°¹ of the houseª of God.ª The lengthª by cubitsª after the firstª measureª [was] threescoreª cubits,ª and the breadthª twentyª cubits.ª" {2Ch 3:3} + "Thou¹ sonª of man,ª shewª°¹ the houseª¹ to the houseª of Israel,ª that they may be ashamedª° of their iniquities:ª¹ and let them measureª°¹ the pattern.ª ... And if¹ they be ashamedª° of all¹¹ that¹ they have done,ª° shewª° them the formª of the house,ª and the fashionª thereof, and the goings outª thereof, and the comings² in¹ thereof, and all¹ the formsª thereof, and all¹ the ordinancesª thereof, and all¹ the formsª thereof, and all¹ the lawsª thereof: and writeª° [it] in their sight,ª that they may keepª°¹ the whole¹ formª thereof, and all¹ the ordinancesª thereof, and doª° them." {Ezk 43:10-11} + "Whoª serveª° unto the exampleª andª shadowª of heavenly things,ª asª Mosesª was admonished of Godª° when he was aboutª° to makeª° the¹ tabernacle:ª for,ª See,ª° saith¹ he,²° [that] thou makeª° all thingsª according¹ to² the¹ patternª shewedª° to theeª inª the¹ mount.ª" {Hbr 8:5}
the porch:
"And the porchª beforeª¹ the templeª of the house,ª twentyª cubitsª [was] the lengthª thereof, according¹¹ to the breadthª of the house;ª [and] tenª cubitsª [was] the breadthª thereof before¹¹ the house.ª" {1Kg 6:3} + "And the porchª that¹ [was] in¹ the frontª [of the house], the lengthª [of it was] according to¹¹ the breadthª of the house,ª twentyª cubits,ª and the heightª [was] an hundredª and twenty:ª and he overlaidª° it withinª¹ with pureª gold.ª" {2Ch 3:4} + "He measuredª° also¹ the porchª of the gateª within,ª oneª reed.ª ... Then measuredª° he¹ the porchª of the gate,ª eightª cubits;ª and the postsª thereof, twoª cubits;ª and the porchª of the gateª [was] inward.ª" {Ezk 40:8-9} + "And from¹ the faceª of the gateª of the entranceª unto¹ the faceª of the porchª of the innerª gateª [were] fiftyª cubits.ª" {Ezk 40:15} + "And he broughtª° me to¹ the porchª of the house,ª and measuredª° [each] postª of the porch,ª fiveª cubitsª on this side,¹¹ and fiveª cubitsª on that side:¹¹ and the breadthª of the gateª [was] threeª cubitsª on this side,¹¹ and threeª cubitsª on that side.¹¹ ... The lengthª of the porchª [was] twentyª cubits,ª and the breadthª elevenªª cubits;ª and [he brought me] by the stepsª whereby¹ they went upª° to¹ it: and [there were] pillarsª by¹ the posts,ª oneª on this side,¹¹ and anotherª on that side.¹¹" {Ezk 40:48-49}
the houses:
"And he builtª°¹ twentyª cubitsª on the sidesª¹ of the house,ª bothª the floorª and the wallsª with boardsª of cedar:ª he even builtª° [them] for it within,ª¹ [even] for the oracle,ª [even] for the most² holyª [place]. ... And the oracleª in the forepartª [was] twentyª cubitsª in length,ª and twentyª cubitsª in breadth,ª and twentyª cubitsª in the heightª thereof: and he overlaidª° it with pureª° gold;ª and [so] coveredª° the altarª [which was of] cedar.ª" {1Kg 6:16-20} + "And the greaterª houseª he cieledª° with firª tree,ª which he overlaidª° with fineª gold,ª and setª° thereon¹ palm treesª and chains.ª ... And in the most² holyª houseª he madeª° twoª cherubimsª of imageª work,ª and overlaidª° them with gold.ª" {2Ch 3:5-10} + "So he measuredª°¹ the house,ª an hundredª cubitsª long;ª and the separate place,ª and the building,ª with the wallsª thereof, an hundredª cubitsª long;ª ... To¹ that above¹¹ the door,ª even unto¹ the innerª house,ª and without,ª and by¹ all¹ the wallª round aboutª withinª and without,ª by measure.ª" {Ezk 41:13-17} + "Forª there was²° a tabernacleª made;ª° the¹ first,ª whereinªª² [was] the¹¹ candlestick,ª andª the¹ table,ª andª the¹ shewbread;ªª whichª is calledª° the sanctuary.ª ... The¹ Holyª Ghostª thisª signifying,ª° that the¹ wayª into the¹ holiest of allª was²° not yetª made manifest,ª° while as the¹ firstª tabernacleª wasª° yetª standing:ª" {Hbr 9:2-8}
the treasuries:
גנזכיו, ganzakkaivĖ. The word גנזך, ganzach, is supposed to be not Hebrew, but Persian; in which language we have gng, ganj, a granary, a hidden treasure, and rwgng, gunjoor, and hnygng, gunjineh, a treasure, treasury, or barn. It may, however, be a Chaldee form of the Hebrew גנז, genez, (from גנז, genaz, to treasure up); the ך being merely formative, as in דך, dech, אלך, illaich, and other Chaldee words. "For¹ these¹ Levites,ª the fourª chiefª porters,ª were in [their] set office,ª and were¹ over¹ the chambersª and treasuriesª of the houseª of God.ª ... [Some] of¹ them also [were] appointedª° to oversee¹ the vessels,ª and all¹ the instrumentsª of the sanctuary,ª and the fine flour,ª and the wine,ª and the oil,ª and the frankincense,ª and the spices.ª" {1Ch 9:26-29} + "And of the Levites,ª Ahijahª [was] over¹ the treasuresª of the houseª of God,ª and over the treasuresª of the dedicated things.ª ... Out of¹ the spoilsª won in¹ battlesª did they dedicateª° to maintainª° the houseª of the LORD.ª" {1Ch 26:20-27} + "Andª he looked up,ª° and sawª° the¹ rich menª castingª° their²¹ giftsª intoª the¹ treasury.ª" {Lke 21:1}
upper chambers:
"And against¹ the wallª of the houseª he builtª° chambersª° round about,ª [against]¹ the wallsª of the houseª round about,ª [both] of the templeª and of the oracle:ª and he madeª° chambersª round about:ª ... The nethermostª chamberª° [was] fiveª cubitsª broad,ª and the middleª [was] sixª cubitsª broad,ª and the thirdª [was] sevenª cubitsª broad:ª for¹ without¹ [in the wall] of² the houseª he madeª° narrowed restsª round about,ª that [the beams] should not¹ be fastenedª° in the wallsª of the house.ª" {1Kg 6:5-6} + "And [then] he builtª°¹ chambersª° against¹ all¹ the house,ª fiveª cubitsª high:ª and they rested²° on¹¹ the houseª [with] timberª of cedar.ª" {1Kg 6:10} + "And the weightª of the nailsª [was] fiftyª shekelsª of gold.ª And he overlaidª° the upper chambersª with gold.ª" {2Ch 3:9} + "And the priestª the sonª of Aaronª shall be¹ with¹ the Levites,ª when the Levitesª take tithes:ª° and the Levitesª shall bring upª°¹ the titheª of the tithesª unto the houseª of our God,ª to¹ the chambers,ª into the treasureª house.ª ... For¹ the childrenª of Israelª and the childrenª of Leviª shall bringª°¹ the offeringª of the corn,ª of the new wine,ª and the oil,ª unto¹ the chambers,ª where¹ [are] the vesselsª of the sanctuary,ª and the priestsª that minister,ª° and the porters,ª and the singers:ª° and we will not¹ forsakeª°¹ the houseª of our God.ª" {Neh 10:38-39} + "And he had preparedª° for him a greatª chamber,ª where¹ aforetimeª¹ they laidª°¹ the meat offerings,ª the frankincense,ª and the vessels,ª and the tithesª of the corn,ª the new wine,ª and the oil,ª which was commandedª [to be given] to the Levites,ª and the singers,ª° and the porters;ª and the offeringsª of the priests.ª" {Neh 13:5} + "Goª° unto¹ the houseª of the Rechabites,ª and speak²° unto¹ them, and bringª° them into the houseª of the LORD,ª into¹ oneª of the chambers,ª and give them wineª to drink.ª°" {Jer 35:2} + "And the side² chambersª [were] three,ª one¹ over¹ another,ª and thirtyª in order;ª and they enteredª° into the wallª which¹ [was] of the houseª for the side chambersª round about,ª that they might have¹ hold,ª° but they had¹ not¹ holdª° in the wallª of the house.ª ... And the doorsª of the side chambersª [were] toward [the place that was] left,²°¹ oneª doorª towardª the north,ª and anotherª doorª toward the south:ª and the breadthª of the placeª that was left²°¹ [was] fiveª cubitsª round about.ª" {Ezk 41:6-11}
the place:
"And thou shalt makeª° a mercy seatª [of] pureª gold:ª two cubitsª and a halfª [shall be] the lengthª thereof, and a cubitª and a halfª the breadthª thereof. ... And there¹ I will meetª° with thee, and I will communeª° with¹ thee from above¹¹ the mercy seat,ª from betweenª¹ the twoª cherubimsª which¹ [are] uponª the arkª of the testimony,ª¹ of all¹ [things] which¹ I will give thee in commandmentª°¹ unto¹ the childrenª of Israel.ª" {Exd 25:17-22} + "And he tookª° and putª°¹ the testimonyª into¹ the ark,ª and setª°¹ the stavesª on¹ the ark,ª and putª°¹ the mercy seatª aboveª¹ upon¹ the ark:ª ... And he broughtª°¹ the arkª into¹ the tabernacle,ª and set upª°¹ the vailª of the covering,ª and coveredª°¹ the arkª of the testimony;ª as¹ the LORDª commandedª°¹ Moses.ª" {Exd 40:20-21} + "And the oracleª he preparedª° in² the houseª¹ within,ª¹ to setª° there¹¹ the arkª of the covenantª of the LORD.ª" {1Kg 6:19} + "And the priestsª brought inª°¹ the arkª of the covenantª of the LORDª unto¹ his place,ª to¹ the oracleª of the house,ª into¹ the most² holyª [place, even] under¹¹ the wingsª of the cherubims:ª" {2Ch 5:7} + "Andª overª itª the cherubimsª of gloryª shadowingª° the¹ mercyseat;ª ofª whichª we cannotªª° nowª speakª° particularly.ªª" {Hbr 9:5}

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