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{1 Chronicles 25:11} The fourth 7243 to Izri, y3339 x3340 [he], his sons, 1121 and his brethren, 251 [were] twelve: 8147 6240
יצרי [Strong's H3339], Izri, seems to be called צרי [Strong's H6874], Zeri, by the apheresis of י, yood. "Of Jeduthun:ª the sonsª of Jeduthun;ª Gedaliah,ª and Zeri,ª and Jeshaiah,ª Hashabiah,ª and Mattithiah,ª six,ª under¹ the handsª of their fatherª Jeduthun,ª who prophesiedª° with a harp,ª to¹ give thanksª° and to praiseª° the LORD.ª" {1Ch 25:3}, Zeri

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