- Noah:
- "And Noahª was¹ fiveª hundredª yearsª old:ª and Noahª begatª°¹ Shem,ª¹ Ham,ª and Japheth.ª" {Gen 5:32} + "But Noahª foundª° graceª in the eyesª of the LORD.ª ... These¹ [are] the generationsª of Noah:ª Noahª was¹ a justª manª [and] perfectª in his generations,ª [and] Noahª walkedª° with¹ God.ª" {Gen 6:8-9} + "And the LORDª saidª° unto Noah,ª Comeª° thou¹ and all¹ thy houseª into¹ the ark;ª for¹ thee have I seenª° righteousª before¹ me² in thisª generation.ª" {Gen 7:1} + "And all¹ the daysª of Noahª were¹ nineª hundredª² and fiftyª years:ª and he died.ª°" {Gen 9:29} + "For¹ this¹ [is as] the watersª of Noahª unto me: for¹ [as] I have swornª° that the watersª of Noahª should no more¹ go¹¹ over²°¹ the earth;ª so¹ have I swornª° that I would not be wrothª°¹ with¹ thee, nor rebukeª°¹ thee. ... For¹ the mountainsª shall depart,ª° and the hillsª be removed;ª° but my kindnessª shall not¹ departª° from¹¹ thee, neither¹ shall the covenantª of my peaceª be removed,ª° saithª° the LORDª that hath mercyª° on thee." {Isa 54:9-10} + "Though these¹ threeª men,²¹ Noah,ª Daniel,ª and Job,ª were¹ in¹ it,² they¹ should deliverª° [but] their own soulsª by their righteousness,ª saithª° the Lordª GOD.ª" {Ezk 14:14} + "Butª asª the¹ days²¹ of Noeª [were], soª shall²° alsoª the¹ comingª of the¹ Sonª of manª be.ª° ... Forª asª inª the¹ daysª that¹ were²° beforeª the¹ floodª they were¹ eatingª° andª drinking,ª° marryingª° andª giving in marriage,ª° untilª the dayª thatª Noeª enteredª° intoª the¹ ark,ª" {Mtt 24:37-38} + "Which was [the son] of Cainan,ª which was [the son] of Arphaxad,ª which was [the son] of Sem,ª which was [the son] of Noe,ª which was [the son] of Lamech,ª" {Lke 3:36} + "Andª asª it wasª° inª the¹ daysª of Noe,ª soª shall it beª° alsoª inª the¹ daysª of the¹ Sonª of man.ª" {Lke 17:26}, Noe, "By faithª Noah,ª being warned of Godª° ofª things not²° seen²° as yet,ª¹ moved with fear,ª° preparedª° an arkª to² the savingª¹ of his²¹ house;ª byª the whichª he condemnedª° the¹ world,ª andª becameª° heirª of the¹ righteousnessª which is byª faith.ª" {Hbr 11:7} + "Andª sparedª° notª the oldª world,ª butª savedª° Noahª the eighthª [person], a preacherª of righteousness,ª bringing inª° the floodª upon the worldª of the ungodly;ª" {2Pe 2:5}