- prophetess:
- "And Miriamª the prophetess,ª the sisterª of Aaron,ª tookª°¹ a timbrelª in her hand;ª and all¹ the womenª went outª° afterª her with timbrelsª and with dances.ª" {Exd 15:20} + "And Deborah,ª a prophetess,ª¹ the wifeª of Lapidoth,ª she¹ judgedª°¹ Israelª at that¹ time.ª" {Jdg 4:4} + "For¹ I brought thee upª° out of the landª¹ of Egypt,ª and redeemedª° thee out of the houseª¹ of servants;ª and I sentª° beforeª thee¹ Moses,ª Aaron,ª and Miriam.ª" {Mic 6:4} + "Andª it came to pass,ª° that, whenª Elisabethª heardª° the¹ salutationª of Mary,ª the¹ babeª leapedª° inª herª womb;ª andª Elisabethª was filledª° with the Holyª Ghost:ª ... Andª Maryª abodeª° withª herª aboutª threeª months,ª andª returnedª° toª her own²¹ house.ª" {Lke 1:41-56} + "Andª there wasª° one Anna,ª a prophetess,ª the daughterª of Phanuel,ª ofª the tribeª of Aser:ª sheª°² was of a great²² age,ªª°¹¹ and had livedª° withª an husbandª sevenª yearsª fromª her²¹ virginity;ª" {Lke 2:36} + "Andª the same manª hadª° fourª daughters,ª virgins,ª which did prophesy.ª°" {Act 21:9} + "Butª everyª womanª that prayethª° orª prophesiethª° with [her] headª uncoveredª dishonourethª° herª head:ª forª that isª° even² all oneª¹¹ as if² she were shaven.ª°" {1Co 11:5}