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{2 Kings 22:14} So Hilkiah 2518 the priest, 3548 and Ahikam, 296 and Achbor, 5907 and Shaphan, 8227 and Asahiah, 6222 went y3212 z8799 x1980 unto x413 Huldah 2468 the prophetess, 5031 the wife 802 of Shallum 7967 the son 1121 of Tikvah, 8616 the son 1121 of Harhas, 2745 keeper 8104 z8802 of the wardrobe; 899 (now she x1931 dwelt 3427 z8802 in Jerusalem 3389 in the college;) 4932 and they communed 1696 z8762 with x413 her.
"And Miriamª the prophetess,ª the sisterª of Aaron,ª tookª°¹ a timbrelª in her hand;ª and all¹ the womenª went outª° afterª her with timbrelsª and with dances.ª" {Exd 15:20} + "And Deborah,ª a prophetess,ª¹ the wifeª of Lapidoth,ª she¹ judgedª°¹ Israelª at that¹ time.ª" {Jdg 4:4} + "For¹ I brought thee upª° out of the landª¹ of Egypt,ª and redeemedª° thee out of the houseª¹ of servants;ª and I sentª° beforeª thee¹ Moses,ª Aaron,ª and Miriam.ª" {Mic 6:4} + "Andª it came to pass,ª° that, whenª Elisabethª heardª° the¹ salutationª of Mary,ª the¹ babeª leapedª° inª herª womb;ª andª Elisabethª was filledª° with the Holyª Ghost:ª ... Andª Maryª abodeª° withª herª aboutª threeª months,ª andª returnedª° toª her own²¹ house.ª" {Lke 1:41-56} + "Andª there wasª° one Anna,ª a prophetess,ª the daughterª of Phanuel,ª ofª the tribeª of Aser:ª sheª°² was of a great²² age,ªª°¹¹ and had livedª° withª an husbandª sevenª yearsª fromª her²¹ virginity;ª" {Lke 2:36} + "Andª the same manª hadª° fourª daughters,ª virgins,ª which did prophesy.ª°" {Act 21:9} + "Butª everyª womanª that prayethª° orª prophesiethª° with [her] headª uncoveredª dishonourethª° herª head:ª forª that isª° even² all oneª¹¹ as if² she were shaven.ª°" {1Co 11:5}
"And Hilkiah,ª and [they] that¹ the kingª [had appointed], went²°¹ to¹ Huldahª the prophetess,ª the wifeª of Shallumª the sonª of Tikvath,ª°² the sonª of Hasrah,ª keeperª° of the wardrobe;ª (now she¹ dweltª° in Jerusalemª in the college:)ª and they spakeª° to¹ her to that¹ [effect]." {2Ch 34:22}, Tikvath, Hasrah
Heb. garments, "And he saidª° unto him that¹ [was] over¹ the vestry,ª Bring forthª° vestmentsª for all¹ the worshippersª° of Baal.ª And he brought them forthª° vestments.ª" {2Kg 10:22} + "And [that] which¹ the restª of the peopleª gaveª° [was] twentyª thousandª dramsª of gold,ª and two thousandª poundª of silver,ª and threescoreª and sevenª priests'ª garments.ª" {Neh 7:72}
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