- the statutes:
- "Therefore shall ye observeª°¹ all¹ my statutes,ª and all¹ my judgments,ª and doª° them: I¹ [am] the LORD.ª" {Lev 19:37} + "And this¹ [is] the lawª which¹ Mosesª setª° beforeª the childrenª of Israel:ª ... These¹ [are] the testimonies,ª and the statutes,ª and the judgments,ª which¹ Mosesª spakeª° unto¹ the childrenª of Israel,ª after they came forthª° out of Egypt,ª¹" {Deu 4:44-45} + "But as for thee,¹ standª° thou here¹ by¹ me,² and I will speakª° unto¹ thee¹ all¹ the commandments,ª and the statutes,ª and the judgments,ª which¹ thou shalt teachª° them, that they may doª° [them] in the landª which¹ I¹ giveª° them to possessª° it. ... Ye shall walk²°¹ in all¹ the waysª which¹ the LORDª your Godª hath commandedª° you, that¹ ye may live,ª° and [that it may be] wellª° with you, and [that] ye may prolongª° [your] daysª in the landª which¹ ye shall possess.ª°" {Deu 5:31-33} + "Now these¹ [are] the commandments,ª the statutes,ª and the judgments,ª which¹ the LORDª your Godª commandedª° to teachª° you, that ye might doª° [them] in the landª whither¹¹ ye¹ goª° to possessª° it: ... That¹ thou mightest fearª°¹ the LORDª thy God,ª to keepª°¹ all¹ his statutesª and his commandments,ª which¹ I¹ commandª° thee, thou,¹ and thy son,ª and thy son'sª son,ª all¹ the daysª of thy life;ª and that¹ thy daysª may be prolonged.ª°" {Deu 6:1-2} + "¹ What thing² soever¹¹¹ I¹ commandª° you, observeª° to doª° it: thou shalt not¹ addª° thereto,¹ nor¹ diminishª° from¹ it." {Deu 12:32} + "And giveª° unto Solomonª my sonª a perfectª heart,ª to keepª° thy commandments,ª thy testimonies,ª and thy statutes,ª and to doª° all¹ [these things], and to buildª° the palace,ª [for] the which¹ I have made provision.ª°" {1Ch 29:19} + "The statutesª of the LORDª [are] right,ª rejoicingª° the heart:ª the commandmentª of the LORDª [is] pure,ª enlighteningª° the eyes.ª ... Moreover¹ by them is thy servantª warned:ª° [and] in keepingª° of them [there is] greatª reward.ª" {Psa 19:8-11} + "And gaveª° them the landsª of the heathen:ª and they inheritedª° the labourª of the people;ª ... That¹ they might observeª° his statutes,ª and keepª° his laws.ª Praiseª° ye the LORD.ª" {Psa 105:44-45}