- Bethhoron:
- "And goeth downª° westwardª to¹ the coastª of Japhleti,ª unto¹ the coastª of Bethhoronª the nether,ª and to¹ Gezer:ª and the goings outª thereof are¹ at the sea.ª" {Jsh 16:3} + "And Eltekeh,ª and Gibbethon,ª and Baalath,ª" {Jsh 19:44} + "And Kibzaimª with¹ her suburbs,ª and Bethhoronª with¹ her suburbs;ª fourª cities.ª" {Jsh 21:22} + "And he builtª°¹ Tadmorª in the wilderness,ª and all¹ the storeª cities,ª which¹ he builtª° in Hamath.ª ... And Baalath,ª and all¹ the storeª citiesª that¹ Solomonª had,¹ and all¹ the chariotª cities,ª and the citiesª of the horsemen,ª and all¹ that¹ Solomonª desiredªª° to buildª° in Jerusalem,ª and in Lebanon,ª and throughout all¹ the landª of his dominion.ª" {2Ch 8:4-6} + "[As for] all¹ the peopleª [that were] leftª° of¹ the Hittites,ª and the Amorites,ª and the Perizzites,ª and the Hivites,ª and the Jebusites,ª which¹ [were] not¹ of Israel,ª¹ ... And Huramª sentª° him by the handsª of his servantsª ships,ª° and servantsª that had knowledgeª° of the sea;ª and they wentª° with¹ the servantsª of Solomonª to Ophir,ª and tookª° thence¹¹ fourª hundredª and fiftyª talentsª of gold,ª and broughtª° [them] to¹ kingª Solomon.ª" {2Ch 8:7-18}