- had peace:
- "But now¹ the LORDª my Godª hath given me restª° on every side,ª¹ [so that there is] neither¹ adversaryª nor¹ evilª occurrent.ª" {1Kg 5:4} + "Behold,¹ a sonª shall be bornª° to thee, who¹ shall be¹ a manª of rest;ª and I will give him restª° from all¹¹ his enemiesª° round about:ª¹ for¹ his nameª shall be¹ Solomon,ª and I will giveª° peaceª and quietnessª unto¹ Israelª in his days.ª" {1Ch 22:9} + "The mountainsª shall bringª° peaceª to the people,ª and the little hills,ª by righteousness.ª" {Psa 72:3} + "In his daysª shall the righteousª flourish;ª° and abundanceª of peaceª so long¹ as the moonª endureth.¹" {Psa 72:7} + "Of the increaseª of [his] governmentª and peaceª [there shall be] no¹ end,ª upon¹ the throneª of David,ª and upon¹ his kingdom,ª to orderª° it, and to establishª° it with judgmentª and with justiceª from henceforth¹¹ even for² ever.ª¹ The zealª of the LORDª of hostsª will performª° this.¹" {Isa 9:7} + "Gloryª to Godª inª the highest,ª andª onª earthª peace,ª good willª towardª men.ª" {Lke 2:14} + "Forª thisª Melchisedec,ª kingª of Salem,ª priestª of the¹ most highª God,ª who² metª° Abrahamª returningª° fromª the¹ slaughterª of the¹ kings,ª andª blessedª° him;ª ... To whomª alsoª Abrahamª gaveª° a tenth partª ofª all;ª firstªª being by interpretationª° Kingª of righteousness,ª andª after thatª alsoª Kingª of Salem,ª which is,ª° Kingª of peace;ª" {Hbr 7:1-2}