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- "And they mourned,ª° and wept,ª° and fastedª° until¹ even,ª for¹ Saul,ª and for¹ Jonathanª his son,ª and for¹ the peopleª of the LORD,ª and for¹ the houseª of Israel;ª because¹ they were fallenª° by the sword.ª" {2Sm 1:12} + "Then all¹ the childrenª of Israel,ª and all¹ the people,ª went up,ª° and cameª° unto the house² of God,ª²° and wept,ª° and satª° there¹ beforeª the LORD,ª and fastedª° that¹ dayª until¹ even,ª and offeredª° burnt offeringsª and peace offeringsª beforeª the LORD.ª" {Jdg 20:26}