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- "Therefore thou shalt dealª° kindlyª with¹ thy servant;ª for¹ thou hast broughtª°¹ thy servantª into a covenantª of the LORDª with¹ thee: notwithstanding, if¹ there beª in me iniquity,ª slayª° me thyself;¹ for¹ why¹ shouldest thou bringª° me to thy father?ª" {1Sm 20:8} + "And Saulª hearkenedª° unto the voiceª of Jonathan:ª and Saulª sware,ª° [As] the LORDª liveth,ª he shall notª be slain.ª°" {1Sm 19:6} + "Saulª also sentª° messengersª unto¹ David'sª house,ª to watchª° him, and to slayª° him in the morning:ª and Michalª David'sª wifeª toldª° him, saying,ª° If¹ thou saveª° not¹¹ thy lifeª to night,ª to morrowª thou¹ shalt be slain.ª° ... And Saulª sentª°¹ the messengersª [again] to seeª°¹ David,ª saying,ª° Bring him upª°¹ to¹ me in the bed,ª that I may slayª° him." {1Sm 19:11-15}