- have I:
- "And Jacobª lovedª°¹ Rachel;ª and said,ª° I will serveª° thee sevenª yearsª for Rachelª thy youngerª daughter.ª ... And Labanª said,ª° [It is] betterª that I giveª° her to thee, than that I should giveª°¹ her to anotherª man:ª abideª° with¹ me." {Gen 29:18-19} + "Fulfilª° herª week,ª and we will giveª° thee¹ this¹ also¹ for the serviceª which¹ thou shalt serveª° with¹ me yet¹ sevenª otherª years.ª" {Gen 29:27} + "[Whoso] findethª° a wifeª findethª° a goodª [thing], and obtainethª° favourª of the LORD.ª¹" {Prv 18:22} + "Houseª and richesª [are] the inheritanceª of fathers:ª and a prudentª° wifeª [is] from the LORD.ª¹" {Prv 19:14} + "Who¹ can findª° a virtuousª woman?ª for her priceª [is] farª above rubies.ª¹ ... The heartª of her husbandª doth safely trustª° in her, so that he shall have no¹ needª° of spoil.ª" {Prv 31:10-11} + "So I boughtª° her to me for fifteenªª [pieces] of silver,ª and [for] an homerª of barley,ª and an half homerª of barley:ª" {Hsa 3:2} + "And Jacobª fledª° into the countryª of Syria,ª and Israelª servedª° for a wife,ª and for a wifeª he keptª° [sheep]." {Hsa 12:12} + "Husbands,ª loveª° yourª wives,ª even asª Christª alsoª lovedª° the¹ church,ª andª gaveª° himselfª forª it;ª" {Eph 5:25}