- Jezreel:
- "And it came to pass¹ afterª these¹ things,ª [that] Nabothª the Jezreeliteª had¹ a vineyard,ª which¹ [was] in Jezreel,ª hard¹ by² the palaceª of Ahabª kingª of Samaria.ª" {1Kg 21:1} + "And it came to pass,¹ when Jezebelª heardª° that¹ Nabothª was stoned,ª° and was dead,ª° that Jezebelª saidª° to¹ Ahab,ª Arise,ª° take possessionª° of¹ the vineyardª of Nabothª the Jezreelite,ª which¹ he refusedª° to giveª° thee for money:ª for¹ Nabothª is not¹ alive,ª but¹ dead.ª° ... And it came to pass,¹ when Ahabª heardª° that¹ Nabothª was dead,ª° that Ahabª rose upª° to go downª° to¹ the vineyardª of Nabothª the Jezreelite,ª to take possessionª° of it." {1Kg 21:15-16} + "And kingª Joramª went backª° to be healedª° in Jezreelª of¹ the woundsª which¹ the Syriansª had givenª° him at Ramah,ª when he foughtª° against¹ Hazaelª kingª of Syria.ª And Ahaziahª the sonª of Jehoramª kingª of Judahª went downª° to seeª°¹ Joramª the sonª of Ahabª in Jezreel,ª because¹ he¹ was sick.ª°" {2Kg 8:29} + "But kingª Joramª was returnedª° to be healedª° in Jezreelª of¹ the woundsª which¹ the Syriansª had givenª° him, when he foughtª° with¹ Hazaelª kingª of Syria.)ª And Jehuª said,ª° If¹ it beª your minds,ª [then] let noneª go forthª° [nor] escapeª out of¹ the cityª to go²°¹ to tellª° [it] in Jezreel.ª" {2Kg 9:15} + "And when Jehuª was comeª° to Jezreel,ª Jezebelª heardª° [of it]; and she paintedªª° her face,ª and tiredª°¹ her head,ª and looked outª° at¹ a window.ª" {2Kg 9:30} + "And the LORDª saidª° unto¹ him, Callª° his nameª Jezreel;ª for¹ yet¹ a littleª [while], and I will avengeª°¹ the bloodª of Jezreelª upon¹ the houseª of Jehu,ª and will cause to ceaseª° the kingdomª of the houseª of Israel.ª ... And it shall come to pass¹ at that¹ day,ª that I will breakª°¹ the bowª of Israelª in the valleyª of Jezreel.ª" {Hsa 1:4-5}