- sons:
- In several countries, particularly in Spain and Portugal, the children of the Jews have been taken from them, by order of the government, to be educated in the Popish faith. "Cursedª° [shall be] the fruitª of thy body,ª and the fruitª of thy land,ª the increaseª of thy kine,ª and the flocksª of thy sheep.ª" {Deu 28:18} + "Thou shalt begetª° sonsª and daughters,ª but thou shalt not¹ enjoy¹ them; for¹ they shall go²°¹ into captivity.ª" {Deu 28:41} + "Woeª to thee, Moab!ª thou art undone,ª° O peopleª of Chemosh:ª he hath givenª° his sonsª that escaped,ª and his daughters,ª into captivity²¹ unto Sihonª kingª of the Amorites.ª" {Num 21:29} + "For, lo,¹ our fathersª have fallenª° by the sword,ª and our sonsª and our daughtersª and our wivesª [are] in captivityª for¹ this.¹" {2Ch 29:9} + "For there wereª that¹ said,ª° We,¹ our sons,ª and our daughters,ª [are] many:ª therefore we take upª° cornª [for them], that we may eat,ª° and live.ª° ... Yet now¹ our fleshª [is] as the fleshª of our brethren,ª our childrenª as their children:ª and, lo,¹ we¹ bring into bondageª°¹ our sonsª and our daughtersª to be servants,ª and [some] of our daughtersª¹ areª brought unto bondageª° [already]: neither¹ [is it] in our powerªª [to redeem them]; for other¹ men² have our landsª and vineyards.ª" {Neh 5:2-5} + "And I will fanª° them with a fanª in the gatesª of the land;ª I will bereaveª° [them] of children, I will destroyª°¹ my people,ª [since] they returnª° not¹ from their ways.ª¹ ... She that hath borneª° sevenª languisheth:ª° she hath given upª° the ghost;ª her sunª is gone²° down¹ while¹ [it was] yet day:ª°² she hath been ashamedª° and confounded:ª° and the residueª of them will I deliverª° to the swordª beforeª their enemies,ª° saithª° the LORD.ª" {Jer 15:7-9} + "Thou shalt not¹ takeª° thee a wife,ª neither¹ shalt thou have¹ sonsª or daughtersª in this¹ place.ª ... They shall dieª° of grievousª deaths;ª they shall not¹ be lamented;ª° neither¹ shall they be buried;ª° [but] they shall be as dungª upon¹ the faceª of the earth:ª and they shall be¹ consumedª° by the sword,ª and by famine;ª and their carcasesª shall be meatª for the fowlsª of heaven,ª and for the beastsª of the earth.ª" {Jer 16:2-4} + "Also, thou¹ sonª of man,ª [shall it] not¹ [be] in the dayª when I takeª° from¹ them¹ their strength,ª the joyª of their glory,ª¹ the desireª of their eyes,ª and that whereupon they setª their minds,ª their sonsª and their daughters,ª" {Ezk 24:25} + "The childrenª also of Judahª and the childrenª of Jerusalemª have ye soldª° unto the Grecians,ªª that¹ ye might remove them farª° from¹¹ their border.ª" {Jol 3:6} + "Therefore will I cause you to go into captivityª° beyondª¹ Damascus,ª saithª° the LORD,ª whose nameª [is] The Godª of hosts.ª" {Ams 5:27} + "Be in pain,ª° and labour to bring forth,ª° O daughterª of Zion,ª like a woman in travail:ª° for¹ now¹ shalt thou go forthª° out of the city,ª¹ and thou shalt dwellª° in the field,ª and thou shalt goª° [even] to¹ Babylon;ª there¹ shalt thou be delivered;ª° there¹ the LORDª shall redeemª° thee from the handª¹ of thine enemies.ª°" {Mic 4:10}