- that I:
- "If¹ a manª shall cause a fieldª or¹ vineyardª to be eaten,ª° and shall put²° in¹¹ his beast,ª and shall feedª° in another man'sª field;ª of the bestª of his own field,ª and of the bestª of his own vineyard,ª shall he make restitution.ª°" {Exd 22:5} + "For¹ thou shalt worshipª° no¹ otherª god:ª for¹ the LORD,ª whose nameª [is] Jealous,ª [is] a jealousª God:ª" {Exd 34:14} + "For¹ the LORDª thy Godª [is] a consumingª° fire,ª [even] a jealousª God.ª" {Deu 4:24} + "The LORDª willª° not¹ spareª° him, but¹ then¹ the angerª of the LORDª and his jealousyª shall smokeª° against that¹ man,ª and all¹ the cursesª that are writtenª° in this¹ bookª shall lieª° upon him, and the LORDª shall blot outª°¹ his nameª from under¹¹ heaven.ª" {Deu 29:20} + "They provoked him to jealousyª° with strangeª° [gods], with abominationsª provoked they him to anger.ª°" {Deu 32:16} + "They¹ have moved me to jealousyª° with [that which is] notª God;ª they have provoked me to angerª° with their vanities:ª and I¹ will move them to jealousyª° with [those which are] not¹ a people;ª I will provoke them to angerª° with a foolishª nation.ª" {Deu 32:21} + "And Joshuaª saidª° unto¹ the people,ª Ye cannotª°¹ serveª°¹ the LORD:ª for¹ he¹ [is] an holyª God;ª he¹ [is] a jealousª God;ª he will not¹ forgiveª° your transgressionsª nor your sins.ª" {Jsh 24:19} + "And Judahª didª° evilª in the sightª of the LORD,ª and they provoked him to jealousyª°¹ with their sinsª which¹ they had committed,ª° above all¹¹ that¹ their fathersª had done.ª°" {1Kg 14:22} + "For they provoked him to angerª° with their high places,ª and moved him to jealousyª° with their graven images.ª" {Psa 78:58} + "And I will judgeª° thee, as women that break wedlockª° and shedª° bloodª are judged;ª and I will giveª° thee bloodª in furyª and jealousy.ª" {Ezk 16:38} + "Godª [is] jealous,ª and the LORDª revengeth;ª° the LORDª revengeth,ª° and [is] furious;ªª the LORDª will take vengeanceª° on his adversaries,ª and he¹ reservethª° [wrath] for his enemies.ª°" {Nah 1:2} + "Neither¹¹ their silverª nor¹ their goldª shall be ableª° to deliverª° them in the dayª of the LORD'Sª wrath;ª but the whole¹ landª shall be devouredª° by the fireª of his jealousy:ª for¹ he shall makeª° even¹ a speedyª° riddanceª of¹ all¹ them that dwellª° in the land.ª" {Zph 1:18} + "Therefore¹ waitª° ye upon me, saithª° the LORD,ª until the dayª that I rise upª° to the prey:ª for¹ my determinationª [is] to gatherª° the nations,ª that I may assembleª° the kingdoms,ª to pourª° upon¹ them mine indignation,ª [even] all¹ my fierceª anger:ª for¹ all¹ the earthª shall be devouredª° with the fireª of my jealousy.ª" {Zph 3:8} + "Do we¹ provoke²²° the Lord² to jealousy?ª°¹¹ are¹ we²°¹ stronger¹ than²² he?ª" {1Co 10:22}