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Previous Chapter - Numbers 22:1 Previous Verse - Numbers 23:20 Next Verse - Numbers 23:22 Next Chapter - Numbers 24:1
{Numbers 23:21} He hath not x3808 beheld 5027 z8689 iniquity 205 in Jacob, 3290 neither x3808 hath he seen 7200 z8804 perverseness 5999 in Israel: 3478 the LORD 3068 his God 430 [is] with x5973 him, and the shout 8643 of a king 4428 [is] among them.
hath not:
"As far¹ as²° the eastª is from the west,ª¹ [so] far hath he removedª°¹ our transgressionsª from¹ us." {Psa 103:12} + "Come¹ now,²°¹ and let us reason together,ª° saithª° the LORD:ª though¹ your sinsª be¹ as scarlet,ª they shall be as whiteª° as snow;ª though¹ they be redª° like crimson,ª they shall be¹ as wool.ª" {Isa 1:18} + "Behold,¹ for peaceª I had great bitterness:ªª° but thou¹ hast in loveª° to my soulª [delivered it] from the pitª¹ of corruption:ª for¹ thou hast castª° all¹ my sinsª behindª thy back.ª" {Isa 38:17} + "In those¹ days,ª and in that¹ time,ª saithª° the LORD,ª¹ the iniquityª of Israelª shall be sought for,ª° and [there shall be] none;¹ and the sinsª of Judah,ª and they shall not¹ be found:ª° for¹ I will pardonª° them whom¹ I reserve.ª°" {Jer 50:20} + "Takeª° with¹ you words,ª and turnª° to¹ the LORD:ª sayª° unto¹ him, Take awayª° all¹ iniquity,ª and receiveª° [us] graciously:²¹ so will we renderª° the calvesª of our lips.ª ... I will healª° their backsliding,ª I will loveª° them freely:ª for¹ mine angerª is turned awayª° from¹ him." {Hsa 14:2-4} + "Who¹ [is] a Godª like unto thee,¹ that pardonethª° iniquity,ª and passeth byª°¹ the transgressionª of the remnantª of his heritage?ª he retainethª° not¹ his angerª for ever,ª because¹ he¹ delightethª° [in] mercy.ª ... Thou wilt performª° the truthª to Jacob,ª [and] the mercyª to Abraham,ª which¹ thou hast swornª° unto our fathersª from the daysª¹ of old.ª" {Mic 7:18-20} + "[Saying], Blessedª [are] they whoseª iniquitiesª are forgiven,ª° andª whoseª sinsª are covered.ª° ... Blessedª [is] the manª to whomª the Lordª will²° notª imputeª° sin.ª" {Rom 4:7-8} + "Forª sinª shall²° notª have dominion overª° you:ª forª ye areª° notª underª the law,ª butª underª grace.ª" {Rom 6:14} + "[There is] thereforeª nowª noª condemnationª to them¹ which are inª Christª Jesus,ª who walkª° notª afterª the flesh,ª butª afterª the Spirit.ª" {Rom 8:1} + "To wit,ª thatª Godª wasª° inª Christ,ª reconcilingª° the worldª unto himself,ª notª imputingª° theirª trespassesª unto them;ª andª hath committedª° untoª usª the¹ wordª of reconciliation.ª" {2Co 5:19}
"And the LORDª wentª° beforeª them by dayª in a pillarª of a cloud,ª to leadª° them the way;ª and by nightª in a pillarª of fire,ª to give them light;ª° to go²°¹ by dayª and night:ª" {Exd 13:21} + "And I will dwellª° amongª the childrenª of Israel,ª and will be¹ their God.ª ... And they shall knowª° that¹ I¹ [am] the LORDª their God,ª that¹ brought them forthª°¹ out of the landª¹ of Egypt,ª that I may dwellª° amongª them: I¹ [am] the LORDª their God.ª" {Exd 29:45-46} + "And he said,ª° My presenceª shall go²°¹ [with thee], and I will give thee rest.ª° ... For wherein¹ shall it be knownª° hereª that¹ I¹ and thy peopleª have foundª° graceª in thy sight?ª [is it] not¹ in that thou goest²°¹ with¹ us? so shall we be separated,ª° I¹ and thy people,ª from all¹¹ the peopleª that¹ [are] upon¹ the faceª of the earth.ª" {Exd 33:14-16} + "And he said,ª° If¹ now¹ I have foundª° graceª in thy sight,ª O Lord,ª let my Lord,ª I pray thee,¹ go²°¹ amongª us; for¹ it¹ [is] a stiffneckedªª people;ª and pardonª° our iniquityª and our sin,ª and take us for thine inheritance.ª°" {Exd 34:9} + "And Gideonª saidª° unto¹ him, Ohª my Lord,ª if² the LORDª be¹ with¹ us, why¹ then is all¹ this¹ befallenª° us? and where¹ [be] all¹ his miraclesª° which¹ our fathersª toldª° us of, saying,ª° Did not¹ the LORDª bring us upª° from Egypt?ª¹ but now¹ the LORDª hath forsakenª° us, and deliveredª° us into the handsª of the Midianites.ª" {Jdg 6:13} + "And, behold,¹ Godª himself [is] with¹ us for [our] captain,ª and his priestsª with soundingª trumpetsª to cry alarmª° against¹ you. O childrenª of Israel,ª fightª° ye not¹ against¹ the LORDª Godª of your fathers;ª for¹ ye shall not¹ prosper.ª°" {2Ch 13:12} + "Yea,¹ though¹ I walk²°¹ through the valleyª of the shadow of death,ª I will fearª° no¹ evil:ª for¹ thou¹ [art] with¹ me; thy rodª and thy staffª they¹ comfortª° me." {Psa 23:4} + "The LORDª of hostsª [is] with¹ us; the Godª of Jacobª [is] our refuge.ª Selah.ª" {Psa 46:7} + "The LORDª of hostsª [is] with¹ us; the Godª of Jacobª [is] our refuge.ª Selah.ª" {Psa 46:11} + "Take²° counsel² together,ª°¹ and it shall come to nought;ª° speakª° the word,ª and it shall not¹ stand:ª° for¹ Godª [is] with us.¹" {Isa 8:10} + "Cry outª° and shout,ª° thou inhabitantª° of Zion:ª for¹ greatª [is] the Holy Oneª of Israelª in the midstª of thee." {Isa 12:6} + "Fearª° thou not;¹ for¹ I¹ [am] with¹ thee: be not¹ dismayed;ª° for¹ I¹ [am] thy God:ª I will strengthenª° thee; yea,¹ I will helpª° thee; yea,¹ I will upholdª° thee with the right handª of my righteousness.ª" {Isa 41:10} + "[It was] round aboutª eighteenªª thousandª [measures]: and the nameª of the cityª from [that] dayª¹ [shall be], The LORD¹ [is] there.²¹" {Ezk 48:35} + "Behold,ª° a virginª shall be with child,ªªª° andª shall bring forthª° a son,ª andª they shall callª° hisª nameª Emmanuel,ª whichª being interpretedª° is,ª° Godª withª us.ª" {Mtt 1:23} + "Andª whatª agreementª hath the templeª of Godª withª idols?ª forª yeª areª° the templeª of the livingª° God;ª asª Godª hath said,ª°² I will dwellª° inª them,ª andª walk inª° [them]; andª I will beª° theirª God,ª andª theyª shall beª° myª people.ª" {2Co 6:16}
the shout:
"Godª is gone upª° with a shout,ª the LORDª with the soundª of a trumpet.ª ... For¹ Godª [is] the Kingª of all¹ the earth:ª sing ye praisesª° with understanding.ª°" {Psa 47:5-7} + "Blessedª [is] the peopleª that knowª° the joyful sound:ª they shall walk,ª° O LORD,ª in the lightª of thy countenance.ª" {Psa 89:15} + "For¹ the LORDª [is] our defence;ª and the Holy Oneª of Israelª [is] our king.ª" {Psa 89:18} + "The LORDª reigneth;ª° let the earthª rejoice;ª° let the multitudeª of islesª be gladª° [thereof]." {Psa 97:1} + "The voiceª of rejoicingª and salvationª [is] in the tabernaclesª of the righteous:ª the right handª of the LORDª doethª° valiantly.ª" {Psa 118:15} + "For¹ the LORDª [is] our judge,ª° the LORDª [is] our lawgiver,ª° the LORDª [is] our king;ª he¹ will saveª° us." {Isa 33:22} + "And¹ when heª was come nigh,ª° even² nowª atª the¹ descentª of the¹ mountª of Olives,ª the¹ wholeª multitudeª of the¹ disciplesª beganª° to rejoiceª° and praiseª° Godª with a loudª voiceª forª allª the mighty worksª thatª they had seen;ª° ... Saying,ª° Blessedª° [be] the¹ Kingª that comethª° inª the nameª of the Lord:ª peaceª inª heaven,ª andª gloryª inª the highest.ª" {Lke 19:37-38} + "Nowª thanksª [be] unto God,ª which always² causeth²° us² to triumphª°¹¹ inª Christ,ª andª maketh manifestª° the¹ savourª of his²¹ knowledgeª byª usª inª everyª place.ª" {2Co 2:14}

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