- wholly given:
- Nethunim, nethunim, "given, given." The word being repeated, "because," says Bp. Patrick, "the children of Israel had devoted them to him, by laying their hands upon them ("And thou shalt bringª°¹ the Levitesª beforeª the LORD:ª and the childrenª of Israelª shall putª°¹ their handsª upon¹ the Levites:ª" {Num 8:10}), and Aaron had waved them as a wave-offering to the Lord" ("And Aaronª shall offerª°¹ the Levitesª beforeª the LORDª [for] an offeringª of¹¹ the childrenª of Israel,ª that they may executeª°¹¹ the serviceª of the LORD.ª" {Num 8:11}).