"And for these¹ ye shall be unclean:ª° whosoever¹ touchethª° the carcaseª of them shall be uncleanª° until¹ the even.ª ... And whosoever¹ bearethª° [ought] of the carcaseª¹ of them shall washª° his clothes,ª and be uncleanª° until¹ the even.ª" {Lev 11:24-25} + "And whosoeverª¹ touchethª° his bedª shall washª° his clothes,ª and batheª° [himself] in water,ª and be uncleanª° until¹ the even.ª" {Lev 15:5} + "And he shall washª°¹ his fleshª with waterª in the holyª place,ª and put onª°¹ his garments,ª and come forth,ª° and offerª°¹ his burnt offering,ª and the burnt offeringª of the people,ª and make an atonementª° for¹ himself, and for¹ the people.ª ... And he that burnethª° them shall washª° his clothes,ª and batheª°¹ his fleshª in water,ª and afterwardª¹ he shall comeª° into¹ the camp.ª" {Lev 16:24-28} + "Then the priestª shall washª° his clothes,ª and he shall batheª° his fleshª in water,ª and afterwardª he shall comeª° into¹ the camp,ª and the priestª shall be uncleanª° until¹ the even.ª ... And he that gatherethª°¹ the ashesª of the heiferª shall washª°¹ his clothes,ª and be uncleanª° until¹ the even:ª and it shall be¹ unto the childrenª of Israel,ª and unto the strangerª that sojournethª° amongª them, for a statuteª for ever.ª" {Num 19:7-10} + "Then saidª° Haggai,ª If¹ [one that is] uncleanª by a dead bodyª touchª° any¹ of these,¹ shall it be unclean?ª° And the priestsª answeredª° and said,ª° It shall be unclean.ª°" {Hgg 2:13} + "Andª suchª wereª° some¹ of you:² butª ye are washed,ª° butª ye are sanctified,ª° butª ye are justifiedª° inª the¹ nameª of the¹ Lordª Jesus,ª andª byª the¹ Spiritª of ourª God.ª" {1Co 6:11} + "Let us draw nearª° withª a trueª heartª inª full assuranceª of faith,ª having²° our heartsª sprinkledª° fromª an evilª conscience,ª andª our bodiesª washedª° with pureª water.ª" {Hbr 10:22} |