- gone a whoring:
- Though this phrase is equivalent, in Scripture, to that of committing idolatry, yet it is to be taken sometimes in a literal sense. Baalpeor and Ashtaroth were worshipped with obscene rite; and public prostitution formed a great part of the worship among the Egyptians, Moabites, Canaanites, Greeks, and Romans. "Then I¹ will setª°¹ my faceª against that¹ man,ª and against his family,ª and will cut him off,ª°¹ and all¹ that go a whoringª° afterª him, to commit whoredomª° with¹ Molech,ª from amongª¹ their people.ª" {Lev 20:5} + "Lest¹ thou makeª° a covenantª with the inhabitantsª° of the land,ª and they go a whoringª° afterª their gods,ª and do sacrificeª° unto their gods,ª and [one] callª° thee, and thou eatª° of his sacrifice;ª¹" {Exd 34:15} + "And the LORDª saidª° unto¹ Moses,ª Behold,¹ thou shalt sleepª° with¹ thy fathers;ª and this¹ peopleª will rise up,ª° and go a whoringª° afterª the godsª of the strangersª of the land,ª whither¹¹ they¹ goª° [to be] amongª them, and will forsakeª° me, and breakª°¹ my covenantª which¹ I have madeª° with¹ them." {Deu 31:16} + "They say,ª° If¹ a manª put awayª°¹ his wife,ª and she goª° from¹¹ him, and become¹ anotherª man's,ª shall he return¹ unto¹ her again?²°¹ shall not¹ that¹ landª be greatly²° polluted?ª° but thou¹ hast played the harlotª° with manyª lovers;ª yet return¹ again²° to¹ me, saithª° the LORD.ª" {Jer 3:1} + "Neither¹ leftª° she her whoredomsª [brought] from Egypt:ª¹ for¹ in her youthª they layª° with¹ her, and they¹ bruisedª° the breastsª of her virginity,ª and pouredª° their whoredomª upon¹ her." {Ezk 23:8} + "Andª there cameª° oneª ofª the¹ sevenª angelsª which² hadª° the¹ sevenª vials,ª andª talkedª° withª me,ª sayingª° unto me,ª Come hither;ª° I will shewª° unto theeª the¹ judgmentª of the¹ greatª whoreª that sittethª° uponª manyª waters:ª ... Andª uponª her²¹ foreheadª [was] a nameª written,ª° MYSTERY,ª BABYLONª THE¹ GREAT,ª THE¹ MOTHERª OF HARLOTSª ANDª ABOMINATIONSª OF THE¹ EARTH.ª" {Rev 17:1-5}