"And ye shall circumcise²°¹¹ the fleshª of your foreskin;ª and it shall be¹ a tokenª of the covenantª betwixt¹ me and you. ... And he that is eightª daysª oldª shall be circumcisedª° among you, every¹ man childª in your generations,ª he that is bornª in the house,ª or boughtª with moneyª of any¹¹ stranger,ªª which¹ [is] not¹ of thy seed.ª¹" {Gen 17:11-12} + "And the LORDª thy Godª will circumciseª°¹ thine heart,ª and the heartª of thy seed,ª to loveª°¹ the LORDª thy Godª with all¹ thine heart,ª and with all¹ thy soul,ª that¹ thou mayest live.ª" {Deu 30:6} + "Andª it came to pass,ª° that onª the¹ eighthª dayª they cameª° to circumciseª° the¹ child;ª andª they calledª° himª Zacharias,ª afterª the¹ nameª of hisª father.ª" {Lke 1:59} + "Andª whenª eightª daysª were accomplishedª° for the circumcisingª° of the¹ child,ªª hisª nameª was calledª° JESUS,ª which² was so namedª° ofª the¹ angelª beforeª heª was conceivedª° inª the¹ womb.ª" {Lke 2:21} + "Mosesª thereforeªª gaveª° unto youª circumcision;ª (notª becauseª it isª° ofª Moses,ª butª ofª the¹ fathers;)ª andª ye²° onª the sabbath dayª circumciseª° a man.ª ... Ifª a manª onª the sabbath dayª receiveª° circumcision,ª that²°¹ the¹ lawª of Mosesª should²° not²¹ be broken;ª° are ye angryª° at me,ª becauseª I have madeª° a manª every whitª wholeª onª the sabbath day?ª" {Jhn 7:22-23} + "Nowª we knowª° thatª what things soeverª the¹ lawª saith,ª° it saithª° to them¹ who are underª the¹ law:ª thatª everyª mouthª may be stopped,ª° andª allª the¹ worldª may becomeª° guiltyª before God.ª" {Rom 3:19} + "Andª he receivedª° the signª of circumcision,ª a sealª of the¹ righteousnessª of the¹ faithª whichª [he had yet] being² uncircumcised:² that²¹¹ heª might beª° the fatherª of allª them that believe,ª° though² they be not circumcised;ª¹ that² righteousnessª might be imputedª° unto themª also:ª ... Andª the fatherª of circumcisionª to them¹ who are notª ofª the circumcisionª only,ª butª who also² walkª°¹ in the¹ stepsª of that faithª of ourª fatherª Abraham,ª which [he had] being² [yet] uncircumcised.ª¹" {Rom 4:11-12} + "Andª thisª I say,ª° [that] the covenant,ª that was confirmed beforeª° ofª Godª inª Christ,ª the¹ law,ª which wasª° four hundredª andª thirtyª yearsª after,ª cannot² disannul,ª°¹ that² it should make²° the promise² of none effect.ª°¹¹" {Gal 3:17} + "Forª I testifyª° againª to everyª manª that is circumcised,ª° thatª he isª° a debtorª to doª° the¹ wholeª law.ª" {Gal 5:3} + "Circumcisedª the eighth² day,¹ ofª the stockª of Israel,ª [of] the tribeª of Benjamin,ª an Hebrewª ofª the Hebrews;ª as touchingª the law,ª a Pharisee;ª" {Php 3:5} + "Inª whomª alsoª ye are circumcisedª° with the circumcisionª made without hands,ª inª putting offª the¹ bodyª of the¹ sinsª of the¹ fleshª byª the¹ circumcisionª of Christ:ª" {Col 2:11} |