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Previous Chapter - Leviticus 10:1 Previous Verse - Leviticus 11:34 Next Verse - Leviticus 11:36 Next Chapter - Leviticus 12:1
{Leviticus 11:35} And every x3605 [thing] whereupon x834 x5921 [any part] of their carcase 5038 x4480 falleth 5307 z8799 shall be unclean; 2930 z8799 [whether it be] oven, 8574 or ranges y3600 for pots, x3600 they shall be broken down: 5422 z8714 [for] they x1992 [are] unclean, 2931 and shall be x1961 unclean 2931 unto you.
they shall be:
"And every¹ earthenª vessel,ª whereinto¹¹¹ [any] of¹ them falleth,ª°² whatsoever¹¹ [is] in¹ it shall be unclean;ª° and ye shall breakª° it." {Lev 11:33} + "But the earthenª vesselª wherein¹ it is soddenª° shall be broken:ª° and if¹ it be soddenª° in a brasenª pot,ª it shall be both scoured,ª° and rinsedª° in water.ª" {Lev 6:28} + "And the vesselª of earth,ª that¹ he touchethª° which hath the issue,ª° shall be broken:ª° and every¹ vesselª of woodª shall be rinsedª° in water.ª" {Lev 15:12} + "Forª we knowª° thatª ifª ourª earthlyª houseª of [this] tabernacleª were dissolved,ª° we haveª° a buildingª ofª God,ª an houseª not made with hands,ª eternalª inª the¹ heavens.ª ... (Forª we walkª° byª faith,ª notª byª sight:)ª" {2Co 5:1-7}

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