- the horns of the altar:
- "And the priestª shall takeª° of¹ the bloodª of the sin offeringª with his finger,ª and putª° [it] upon¹ the hornsª of the altarª of burnt offering,ª and shall pour outª° his bloodª at¹ the bottomª of the altarª of burnt offering.ª" {Lev 4:25} + "And the priestª shall takeª° of the bloodª¹ thereof with his finger,ª and putª° [it] upon¹ the hornsª of the altarª of burnt offering,ª and shall pour outª° all¹ the bloodª thereof at¹ the bottomª of the altar.ª" {Lev 4:30} + "The LORDª is well pleasedª° for his righteousness'² sake;¹¹ he will magnifyª° the law,ª and make [it] honourable.ª°" {Isa 42:21} + "Andª for²° their² sakesª¹ Iª sanctifyª° myself,ª thatª theyª alsoª might²° be¹ sanctifiedª° throughª the truth.ª" {Jhn 17:19} + "[There is] thereforeª nowª noª condemnationª to them¹ which are inª Christª Jesus,ª who walkª° notª afterª the flesh,ª butª afterª the Spirit.ª" {Rom 8:1} + "Forª what the¹ lawª could not do,ª inª thatª it was weakª° throughª the¹ flesh,ª Godª sendingª° his ownª Sonª inª the likenessª of sinfulª flesh,ª andª forª sin,ª condemnedª° sinª inª the¹ flesh:ª" {Rom 8:3} + "Forª Christª [is] the endª of the lawª forª righteousnessª to every oneª that believeth.ª°" {Rom 10:4} + "Forª he hath madeª° him [to be] sinª forª us,ª who² knewª° noª sin;ª thatª weª might be madeª° the righteousnessª of Godª inª him.ª" {2Co 5:21} + "Forª it becameª° him,ª forª whomª [are] all things,ª andª byª whomª [are] all things,ª in bringingª° manyª sonsª untoª glory,ª to make²° the captain² of their² salvation² perfectª°¹¹¹¹ throughª sufferings.ª" {Hbr 2:10} + "Of how muchª sorerª punishment,ª suppose¹ ye,²° shall he be thought worthy,ª° who² hath trodden under footª° the¹ Sonª of God,ª andª hath countedª° the¹ bloodª of the¹ covenant,ª wherewithªª he was sanctified,ª° an unholy thing,ª andª hath done despiteª° unto the¹ Spiritª of grace?ª" {Hbr 10:29} + "Forasmuch as ye knowª° thatª ye were²° notª redeemedª° with corruptible things,ª [as] silverª andª gold,ª fromª yourª vainª conversationª [received] by tradition from your fathers;ª ... Who verilyª was foreordainedª° beforeª the foundationª of the world,ª butª was manifestª° inª these lastª timesª forª you,ª" {1Pe 1:18-20} + "Whoª his own self²¹ bareª° ourª sinsª inª his own²¹ bodyª onª the¹ tree,ª thatª we,²° being deadª° to sins,ª should liveª° unto righteousness:ª by² whose²¹ stripesª ye were healed.ª°" {1Pe 2:24} + "Forª Christª alsoª hath onceª sufferedª° forª sins,ª the justª forª the unjust,ª thatª he might bringª° usª to God,ª being put to deathª°² in the¹ flesh,ª butª quickenedª° by the¹ Spirit:ª" {1Pe 3:18}