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{Genesis 49:24} But his bow 7198 abode 3427 z8799 in strength, 386 and the arms 2220 of his hands 3027 were made strong 6339 z8799 by the hands 3027 x4480 of the mighty 46 [God] of Jacob; 3290 (from thence x4480 x8033 [is] the shepherd, 7462 z8802 the stone 68 of Israel:) 3478
his bow:
"For¹ they all¹ made us afraid,ª°¹ saying,ª° Their handsª shall be weakenedª° from¹ the work,ª that it be not¹ done.ª° Now¹ therefore, [O God], strengthenª°¹ my hands.ª" {Neh 6:9} + "Waitª° on¹ the LORD:ª be of good courage,ª° and he shall strengthenª° thine heart:ª wait,ª° I say, on¹ the LORD.ª" {Psa 27:14} + "The LORDª [is] their strength,ª and he¹ [is] the savingª strengthª of his anointed.ª" {Psa 28:8} + "[[Maschilª° of Ethanª the Ezrahite.]]ª I will singª° of the merciesª of the LORDª for ever:ª with my mouthª will I make knownª° thy faithfulnessª to all² generations.ª" {Psa 89:1} + "Strengthenedª° withª allª might,ª according¹ to² hisª gloriousª power,ª untoª allª patienceª andª longsufferingª withª joyfulness;ª" {Col 1:11} + "Notwithstandingª the¹ Lordª stood²° with¹ me,ª andª strengthenedª° me;ª thatª byª meª the¹ preachingª might be fully known,ª° andª [that] allª the¹ Gentilesª might hear:ª° andª I was deliveredª° out ofª the mouthª of the lion.ª" {2Tm 4:17}
were made:
"My gloryª [was] freshª in¹ me,² and my bowª was renewedª° in my hand.ª" {Job 29:20} + "[It is] Godª that girdethª° me with strength,ª and makethª° my wayª perfect.ª ... Thou hast also givenª° me the shieldª of thy salvation:ª and thy right handª hath holden me up,ª° and thy gentleness²¹ hath made me great.ª°" {Psa 18:32-35} + "The wickedª have drawn outª° the sword,ª and have bentª° their bow,ª to cast downª° the poorª and needy,ª [and] to slayª° such as be of uprightª conversation.ª ... Their swordª shall enterª° into their own heart,ª and their bowsª shall be broken.ª°" {Psa 37:14-15} + "But¹ thou hast savedª° us from our enemies,ª¹ and hast put them to shameª° that hatedª° us." {Psa 44:7} + "And I will strengthenª° them in the LORD;ª and they shall walk up and downª° in his name,ª saithª° the LORD.ª" {Zch 10:12} + "Whoª artª° thouª that judgestª° another man'sª servant?ª to his ownª masterª he standethª° orª falleth.ª° Yea,ª he shall be holden up:ª° forª Godª isª° ableª to make²° him² stand.ª°¹" {Rom 14:4}
the mighty:
"And Godª saidª° unto him, Thy nameª [is] Jacob:ª thy nameª shall not¹ be calledª° any more¹ Jacob,ª but¹¹ Israelª shall be¹ thy name:ª and he calledª°¹ his nameª Israel.ª ... And Godª saidª° unto him, I¹ [am] Godª Almighty:ª be fruitfulª° and multiply;ª° a nationª and a companyª of nationsª shall be¹ of¹ thee, and kingsª shall come²° out¹ of thy loins;ª¹" {Gen 35:10-11} + "Moreover he said,ª° I¹ [am] the Godª of thy father,ª the Godª of Abraham,ª the Godª of Isaac,ª and the Godª of Jacob.ª And Mosesª hidª° his face;ª for¹ he was afraidª° to lookª°¹ upon¹ God.ª" {Exd 3:6} + "[[To the chief Musician,ª° [A Psalm] of David,ª the servantª of the LORD,ª who¹ spakeª° unto the LORDª¹ the wordsª of this¹ songª in the dayª [that] the LORDª deliveredª° him from the handª¹ of all¹ his enemies,ª° and from the handª¹ of Saul:ª And he said,]]ª° I will loveª° thee, O LORD,ª my strength.ª" {Psa 18:1} + "[As for] God,ª his wayª [is] perfect:ª the wordª of the LORDª is tried:ª° he¹ [is] a bucklerª to all¹ those that trustª° in him." {Psa 18:30} + "[It is] Godª that girdethª° me with strength,ª and makethª° my wayª perfect.ª" {Psa 18:32} + "He teachethª° my handsª to war,ª so that a bowª of steelª is brokenª° by mine arms.ª" {Psa 18:34} + "How¹ he swareª° unto the LORD,ª [and] vowedª° unto the mightyª [God] of Jacob;ª" {Psa 132:2} + "Until¹ I find outª° a placeª for the LORD,ª an habitationª for the mightyª [God] of Jacob.ª" {Psa 132:5} + "They also that erredª° in spiritª shall comeª° to understanding,ª and they that murmuredª° shall learnª° doctrine.ª" {Isa 29:24} + "Thou shalt also suckª° the milkª of the Gentiles,ª and shalt suckª° the breastª of kings:ª and thou shalt knowª° that¹ I¹ the LORDª [am] thy Saviourª° and thy Redeemer,ª° the mighty Oneª of Jacob.ª" {Isa 60:16}
the shepherd:
"Now¹ therefore be not¹ grieved,ª° nor¹ angryª° with yourselves,ª that¹ ye soldª° me hither:¹ for¹ Godª did sendª° me before¹ you² to preserve life.ª" {Gen 45:5} + "And Godª sentª° me before¹ you² to preserveª° you a posterityª in the earth,ª and to save your livesª° by a greatª deliverance.ª" {Gen 45:7} + "And there¹ will I nourishª° thee; for¹ yet¹ [there are] fiveª yearsª of famine;ª lest¹ thou,¹ and thy household,ª and all¹ that¹ thou hast, come to poverty.ª°" {Gen 45:11} + "And Josephª nourishedª°¹ his father,ª and his brethren,ª and all¹ his father'sª household,ª with bread,ª according² to¹ [their] families.ª" {Gen 47:12} + "Now¹ therefore fearª° ye not:¹ I¹ will nourishª° you, and your little ones.ª And he comfortedª° them, and spakeª° kindlyª¹ unto them." {Gen 50:21} + "Let the LORD,ª the Godª of the spiritsª of all¹ flesh,ª setª° a manª over¹ the congregation,ª ... And the LORDª saidª° unto¹ Moses,ª Takeª° thee¹ Joshuaª the sonª of Nun,ª a manª in whom¹ [is] the spirit,ª and layª°¹ thine handª upon¹ him;" {Num 27:16-18} + "And Joshuaª the sonª of Nunª was fullª of the spiritª of wisdom;ª for¹ Mosesª had laidª°¹ his handsª upon¹ him: and the childrenª of Israelª hearkenedª° unto¹ him, and didª° as¹ the LORDª commandedª°¹ Moses.ª" {Deu 34:9} + "Now afterª the deathª of Mosesª the servantª of the LORDª it came to pass,¹ that the LORDª spakeª° unto¹ Joshuaª the sonª of Nun,ª Moses'ª minister,ª° saying,ª° ... Have not¹ I commandedª° thee? Be strongª° and of a good courage;ª° be not afraid,ª°¹ neither¹ be thou dismayed:ª° for¹ the LORDª thy Godª [is] with¹ thee whithersoever¹¹ thou goest.²°¹" {Jsh 1:1-9} + "And Joshuaª gatheredª°¹ all¹ the tribesª of Israelª to Shechem,ª and calledª° for the eldersª of Israel,ª and for their heads,ª and for their judges,ª° and for their officers;ª° and they presented²° themselves¹ beforeª God.ª ... And Eleazarª the sonª of Aaronª died;ª° and they buriedª° him in a hillª [that pertained to] Phinehasª his son,ª which¹ was givenª° him in mountª Ephraim.ª" {Jsh 24:1-33} + "[[To the chief Musicianª° upon¹ Shoshannimeduth,ª A Psalmª of Asaph.]]ª Give ear,ª° O Shepherdª° of Israel,ª thou that leadestª° Josephª like a flock;ª thou that dwellestª° [between] the cherubims,ª shine forth.ª°" {Psa 80:1}
the stone:
"[He is] the Rock,ª his workª [is] perfect:ª for¹ all¹ his waysª [are] judgment:ª a Godª of truthª and without¹ iniquity,ª justª and rightª [is] he.¹" {Deu 32:4} + "The stoneª [which] the buildersª° refusedª° is become¹ the headª [stone] of the corner.ª" {Psa 118:22} + "Therefore¹ thus¹ saithª° the Lordª GOD,ª Behold,¹ I layª° in Zionª for a foundation¹ a stone,ª a triedª stone,ª a preciousª cornerª [stone], a sureª° foundation:ª he that believethª° shall not¹ make haste.ª°" {Isa 28:16} + "For¹ behold¹ the stoneª that¹ I have laidª° beforeª Joshua;ª upon¹ oneª stoneª [shall be] sevenª eyes:ª behold,¹ I will engraveª° the gravingª thereof, saithª° the LORDª of hosts,ª and I will removeª°¹ the iniquityª of that¹ landª in oneª day.ª" {Zch 3:9} + "Jesusª saithª° unto them,ª Did ye²° never²¹ readª° inª the¹ scriptures,ª The stoneª whichª the¹ buildersª° rejected,ª° the sameª is becomeª°² the¹ headª of the corner:ª thisª is²¹ the Lord's² doing,²°¹¹ andª it isª° marvellousª inª ourª eyes?ª" {Mtt 21:42} + "And have ye²° notª readª° thisª scripture;ª The stoneª whichª the¹ buildersª° rejectedª° isª²° become²¹ the¹ headª of the corner:ª" {Mrk 12:10} + "Andª he¹ beheldª° them,ª and said,ª° Whatª isª° thisª thenª that is written,ª° The stoneª whichª the¹ buildersª° rejected,ª° the sameª is becomeª° the¹ headª of² the corner?ª" {Lke 20:17} + "Thisª isª° the¹ stoneª which² was set at noughtª° ofª youª builders,ª° which² is becomeª° the¹ headª of² the corner.ª" {Act 4:11} + "And are builtª° uponª the¹ foundationª of the¹ apostlesª andª prophets,ª Jesusª Christª himselfª beingª° the chief cornerª [stone];" {Eph 2:20} + "Toª whomª coming,ª° [as unto] a livingª° stone,ª disallowedª° indeedª ofª men,ª butª chosenª ofª God,ª [and] precious,ª ... Andª a stoneª of stumbling,ª andª a rockª of offence,ª [even to them] whichª stumbleª° at the¹ word,ª being disobedient:ª° whereuntoªª alsoª they were appointed.ª°" {1Pe 2:4-8}

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