- that Pharaoh:
- "But Godª cameª° to¹ Abimelechª in a dreamª by night,ª and saidª° to him, Behold,¹ thou [art but] a dead man,ª° for¹ the womanª which¹ thou hast taken;ª° for she¹ [is] a man'sª wife.ª°" {Gen 20:3} + "And Josephª dreamedª° a dream,ª and he toldª° [it] his brethren:ª and they hatedª° him yet¹ the more.ª° ... And he toldª° [it] to¹ his father,ª and to¹ his brethren:ª and his fatherª rebukedª° him, and saidª° unto him, What¹ [is] this¹ dreamª that¹ thou hast dreamed?ª° Shall I¹ and thy motherª and thy brethrenª indeed²° comeª° to bow down²° ourselves¹ to thee to the earth?ª" {Gen 37:5-10} + "And they dreamedª° a dreamª both¹ of them,² each manª his dreamª in oneª night,ª each manª according to the interpretationª of his dream,ª the butler²°¹ and the bakerª° of the kingª of Egypt,ª which¹ [were] boundª° in the prison.ªª" {Gen 40:5} + "And when Gideonª was come,ª° behold,¹ [there was] a manª that toldª° a dreamª unto his fellow,ª and said,ª° Behold,¹ I dreamedª° a dream,ª and, lo,¹ a cakeª° of barleyª breadª tumbledª° into the hostª of Midian,ª and cameª° unto¹ a tent,ª and smoteª° it that it fell,ª° and overturnedªª° it, that the tentª lay along.ª° ... And his fellowª answeredª° and said,ª° This¹ [is] nothing else¹ save¹¹ the swordª of Gideonª the sonª of Joash,ª a manª of Israel:ª [for] into his handª hath Godª deliveredª°¹ Midian,ª and all¹ the host.ª" {Jdg 7:13-14} + "On that¹ nightª could notª° the kingª sleep,ª and he commandedª° to bringª°¹ the bookª of recordsª of the chronicles;ªª and they were¹ readª° beforeª the king.ª" {Est 6:1} + "In a dream,ª in a visionª of the night,ª when deep² sleep¹ fallethª° upon¹ men,²¹ in slumberingsª upon¹ the bed;ª ... Then¹ he openethª° the earsª of men,²¹ and sealethª° their instruction,ª" {Job 33:15-16} + "And in the secondª yearª of the reignª of Nebuchadnezzarª Nebuchadnezzarª dreamedª° dreams,ª wherewith his spiritª was troubled,ª° and his sleepª brakeª° from¹ him. ... And the kingª saidª° unto them, I have dreamedª° a dream,ª and my spiritª was troubledª° to knowª°¹ the dream.ª" {Dan 2:1-3} + "I sawª° a dreamª which made me afraid,ª° and the thoughtsª uponª my bedª and the visionsª of my headª troubledª° me. ... Thisª dreamª Iª kingª Nebuchadnezzarª have seen.ª° Now thou,ª O Belteshazzar,ª declareª° the interpretationª thereof, forasmuch asª¹¹ allª the wiseª [men] of my kingdomª are not² ableª°¹ to make knownª° unto me the interpretation:ª but thouª [art] able;ª° for¹ the spiritª of the holyª godsª [is] in thee." {Dan 4:5-18} + "In the firstª yearª of Belshazzarª kingª of Babylonª Danielª hadª° a dreamª and visionsª of his headª uponª his bed:ª thenª he wroteª° the dream,ª [and] toldª° the sumª of the matters.ª ... And I¹ Danielª fainted,ª° and was sickª° [certain] days;ª afterward I rose up,ª° and didª°¹ the king'sª business;ª and I was astonishedª° at¹ the vision,ª but none¹ understoodª° [it]." {Dan 7:1-8:27} + "Whenª heª was set downª° onª the¹ judgment seat,ª hisª wifeª sentª° untoª him,ª saying,ª°² Have thou² nothing² to do¹¹ with thatª just man:ª forª I have sufferedª° many thingsª this dayª inª a dreamª becauseª of him.ª" {Mtt 27:19}