- Allonbachuth:
- i.e. the oak of weeping, "And an angelª of the LORDª came upª° from¹ Gilgalª to¹ Bochim,ª and said,ª° I made you to go upª°¹ out of Egypt,ª¹ and have broughtª° you unto¹ the landª which¹ I swareª° unto your fathers;ª and I said,ª° I will neverª¹ breakª° my covenantª with¹ you." {Jdg 2:1} + "And they calledª° the nameª of that¹ placeª Bochim:ª and they sacrificedª° there¹ unto the LORD.ª" {Jdg 2:5}