- Abram:
- "So Abramª departed,²°¹ as¹ the LORDª had spokenª° unto¹ him; and Lotª went²°¹ with¹ him: and Abramª [was] seventyª² and fiveª yearsª oldª when he departedª° out of Haran.ª¹ ... And Abramª tookª°¹ Saraiª his wife,ª and Lotª his brother'sª son,ª and all¹ their substanceª that¹ they had gathered,ª° and the soulsª that¹ they had gottenª° in Haran;ª and they went forthª° to go²°¹ into the landª of Canaan;ª and into the landª of Canaanª they came.ª°" {Gen 12:4-5} + "And it came to pass¹ afterª these¹ things,ª that it was toldª° Abraham,ª saying,ª° Behold,¹ Milcah,ª she¹ hath also¹ bornª° childrenª unto thy brotherª Nahor;ª ... And his concubine,ª whose nameª [was] Reumah,ª she¹ bareª° also¹¹ Tebah,ª and Gaham,ª and Thahash,ª and Maachah.ª" {Gen 22:20-24} + "And Jacobª saidª° unto them, My brethren,ª whenceª¹ [be] ye?¹ And they said,ª° Of Haranª¹ [are] we.¹ ... And he saidª° unto them, Knowª° ye¹ Labanª the sonª of Nahor?ª And they said,ª° We knowª° [him]." {Gen 29:4-5} + "And Joshuaª saidª° unto¹ all¹ the people,ª Thus¹ saithª° the LORDª Godª of Israel,ª Your fathersª dweltª° on the other sideª of the floodª in old time,ª¹ [even] Terah,ª the fatherª of Abraham,ª and the fatherª of Nachor:ª and they servedª° otherª gods.ª" {Jsh 24:2} + "Serug,ª Nahor,ª Terah,ª ... Abram;ª the same¹ [is] Abraham.ª" {1Ch 1:26-27}